Mikhail Shilyaev

 Mikhail Shilyaev was born in Izhevsk, Russia. He started learning piano at the age of six and won several regional piano competitions at a young age. He studied in Russia, Germany and in the UK.

As a soloist with orchestra, he has recently performed with Musikkollegium Winterthur, the London Soloists Chamber Orchestra, RNCM Concert Orchestra, the Georgian Philharmonic Orchestra and with the Gulbenkian Symphony Orchestra.

He has worked with leading conductors including Christopher Warren-Green, Pascal Rophé, Nikoloz Rachveli and Gianluca Marciano.

In July 2010 Mikhail won the Bronze Medal at the prestigious Vianna da Motta International Piano Competition in Lisbon.

Mikhail lives in London and plays mostly in the UK and Europe. He has been taking part in numerous festivals across Europe including Zaubersee Festival in Lucerne and Suoni dal Golfo Festival in Italy.

Mikhail’s teaching experience includes individual teaching, chamber music coaching and vocal coaching. During his studies in Russia, Germany and the UK Mikhail has absorbed different piano traditions that allowed him to develop his own teaching method. Currently he is a lecturer at Trinity Laban Concervatoire in London as well as teaching at the Blackheath Conservatoire and Russian London Russian Music Academy.

Among his chamber music partners are Boris Brovtsyn, Anastasia Kobekina and Natalie Clein. He is interested in historical performance practice and often gives recitals on fortepianos.

Mikhail is also known for his collaboration with singers including the rising stars Anush Hovhannisyan, Anna Gobachyova, Nardus Williams and Tuuli Takkala. Mikhail’s repertoire stretches from early Baroque to contemporary music with its focus on J. S. Bach, Viennese classics, German romantics and Chopin.

He has recently released three critically acclaimed CDs on Toccata Classics, Stone Records and Willowhayne Records.